On Fri, 4 Sep 1998 07:30:20 -0400, Don Wiss <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Amadeus Schmidt wrote:
>>Kindey problems come over the years.....
>>Excess purins, nitrogen and acid (bad balance protein to calcium)
>>puts stress on one's kindeys. Everybody can decide to think if thats
>>normal and healthy or not.
>Excess stress? Do you not believe in keeping muscles, which the kidneys
>are, exercised? Or is it better to let them atrophy?
Oh, what concerns my muscles apart from my kidneys i admit that i use
to give them a little more execise as would be necessary for my profession -
just because it gives me a better feeling.

Concerning my kindeys I
 try to exercise them not tooo much since
i think they were not designed for this kind of exercicse, from my
anchestors' fruitarian times.
Weeeell i've heard that that purins are reminiscents of the dna-material
of the food we eat. And humans can't really digest it, they have to convert
it to uric acid and dispose it.
Two gigabytes of dna-information per animal cell. wow.
If I ate, say one monkey-brain, several billions of cells times 2GB.
So much information converted to uric acid.....
That could easily overload my hard(not disk but)kidney... :-)
Maybe if i get an upgrade?

