On Thu, 3 Sep 1998 18:30:40 -1000, Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>... champedak and durian. These are indeed stunning fruits. The durian is
>eaten by tigers! There is something special about both durians and
>champedaks. Having eaten a couple thousand combined (while living in
>Thailand for four years) I can (as a sample of one) attest that they are
>indeed absolutely NOTHING like any of the produce available to the average
>Neanderthinners, home garden or not.

Hey that sounds interesting!
champedak and durian..
I could not find it in any dictionary.
Could you tell something more about it?
Could it be available in asian shops (maybe in some canned form)?

Well, I'm always in seach of some new tasty and natural
(not much gene manipulated) foodstuff.

Recently looked at waterchestnut, which was found in mesolithic
settlements in south germany.
They said, was very tasty and a similar thing could be found in
canned form from asia shops.

