<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

For the last two months, I've had the end of October blocked out on my
calendar, intending to spend hard-earned cash on attendance at the CSA
Annual Conference.

Yesterday I was at the grocery store and met a nice couple who were busy
reading labels, looking for a new gluten-free bread...they're still
searching for one that will make a good sandwich. (I wished them luck!)
Their grocery cart was loaded with quinoa and quinoa pasta, as well as the
usual veggies, etc.  I had quinoa in my cart, too.  Right on the package it
says, "Gluten-free."

When I came home the mail had arrived.  There was the long awaited brochure
about the CSA/USA conference, complete with registration form, etc.  I sat
down and read it cover to cover. One of our LIST owners, and many others
who contribute to this LIST were mentioned in the brochure.

Page 24 of the announcement is entitled Basics for the Gluten-Free Diet.
One of the categories on that page is entitled "Grains to Avoid" and there,
printed along with wheat and barley, etc. it says
"quinoa...millet...buckwheat... amaranth."

Well, folks, I just saved $180 in registration fees, plus $18 for the
Pre-Conference dinner, plus $99 per night for the hotel room, plus the cost
of transportation and membership in the organization.  If CSA/USA can't pay
attention to the scientific research that says the those grains are free of
gluten, how can I believe that the other information from their conference
is valid?

Celiacs of the USA should get their data straight and work together.  I
urge anyone who is going to Connecticut for this conference and anyone who
is a member of this organization,  to try to get their leadership to update
their data and quit putting out false information.

I tried not to FLAME, but I am really dismayed.  Gayle Kennedy