<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Lost recipe -- went to the store, bought all the stuff, and can't
find the recipe posted for something with a foreign sounding name that
had cheese and cornstarch posted just a few days ago -- something you
fry.  Can anyone forward it to me while I'm in a cooking mood?
   Have dermatologist appointment tomorrow for adult acne.  One
suggested medication is Azelex, made from a compound in wheat.  Has
anyone used this and does it cause problems.  Gluten intolerant, but not
   Gluten Attack!  Ate from the wrong box of cereal this morning (3-4
spoonsful before I caught it) and immediately tried to throw it up.
Then took some metamucil and so far, no problem of the bathroom type!
Maybe too early to tell, but I felt fine all day.  Typically my
reactions happen pretty fast and I do a jig to the john all day.  This
is the second time metamucil has bailed me out.  If you run into some
stealth gluten, it is worth a try.    Sally