Since LBA is enabled, it is supported (or else it
would not appear).  So it seems that your mb does
support it.  (Is it set on "auto?")

Since a complete scan goes ok on another computer,
the disk should be ok.

Therefore, I suspect that you may have a bad cable
that is causing problems.  Have you had trouble
reading from the disk in applications???  I would
experiment using a different cable.  Perhaps this one
has a somewhat weak connection somewhere.
(This is just a guess.)

Dean Kukral

-----Original Message-----
From: W.D.Duck McDonald <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wednesday, August 26, 1998 9:18 PM
Subject: [PCBUILD] Hard Disk size limit on 486 ??


I'm trying to install a Samsung 2.1Gb IDE drive in a 486/66 computer.

Is thare a hard drive limit that this machine can see?  It is a Zeos
Pantera,  Pheonix BIOS v4.03,  LBA is Enabled.

When I try to run scandisk on this machine, it always gives the
"ScandDisk cannot read from the last cluster on drive C. This cluster
either damaged, or your system is not configured properly. Drive C may
need to have Logical Block Adressing (LBA) enabled to work properrly,
or its disk partition may be incorrectly marked as a non-LBA
Data loss can occour if you LBA setting or disk partition type for
drive is misconfigured......."

I eventually went ahead and ran scandisk and it started finding all
bad (I
don't rember if it was sectors or clusters) after about 24% of disk

I installed this disk as a slave in my 6X86 P166+ and ran FDISK
creating only one large dos partition.  I formatted it and it scanned
(full surface scan) using ScanDisk.  When I placed it back in the 486
machine, ScanDisk again gave the above message.  I'm using Win98 on
both macines.

Is thare a hard drive size limit that this machine can see even with

Will I have to partition it?

If so what size would be best?

"Duck" McDonald
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