Bob Wright <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> I am considering buying some Panasonic CD-R drives that
> are being offered to me at a good price.   But, I have been
> looking around for a review of these drives to no avail.
> I am hoping that someone here might have some practical
> experience with these drives.   They are:
> Panasonic model #CW-7502-B    SCSI 4x8 recorder drives
>  (internal 4write x 8 read)
> I would appreciate any input as I would hate to invest the cash
> in these drives only to find out they are bad news.

I recently installed one of these in my system. It is a P166 MMX with an Adaptec
2940U Ultra SCSI adapter built on the motherboard (IWILL P55TV). Also on the
SCSI bus is a Plextor 12/20plex, and two IBM 2.1GB Ultra SCSI hard drives. I use
CeQuadrat WinOnCD software.

So far, I haven't had any problems with it. I have made audio CD's, data CD's,
and bootable CD's. WinOnCD includes a packet drivers, so you can format a CD-R
for packet use, and then it shows up as a regular drive letter that you can
read/write to.

Russ Poffenberger               Engineering Specialist
Schlumberger Technologies ATE   DOMAIN: [log in to unmask]
1601 Technology Drive           CIS:    72401,276
San Jose, Ca. 95110             Voice: (408)437-5254  FAX: (408)437-5246