
I have three (or three and a half?) questions. I have no answers because
I don't work in a library right now, as you know.   First, since I'm not
familiar with Newsline for the Blind, is it just audio or is there a video

Second, is the service something that would be useful for people with
learning disabilities?  I find that more administrators get interested if you
can show them that something serves a large percentage of the

Third, how does Newsline differ from other newspaper services that are
available online?   I know there are some, sometimes serious, browser
and other technological problems, but I wondered to what extent
"mainstream" news options had been explored via existing technology
used in slightly different ways.  How far away is the reality of making the
whole world as readily accessible as possible to everyone, and what do
we have to do to get there?

Sorry I don't have specific answers to your questions.  I'm sure other
people do.  By the way, I'm still wearing my "real disability" pin!
