Kathy Partridge <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I've been asked to write a series of articles on canine nutrition for a

So your time frame isn't immediate?

>Unfortunately, I'm having difficulty making the grain
>connection to autoimmune problems.

What you need is Loren Cordain's not yet published cereal grains article.
It should be out real soon now in the World Review of Nutrition and
Dietetics. Loren is at <[log in to unmask]>.

Ray Audette wrote:

> BTW, dog food as we know it was invented by Dr. John
>Harvey Kellogg as a means of rendering dogs more docile.

Is this in "Cerealizing America: The Unsweetened Story of American
Breakfast Cereal" by Scott Bruce and Bill Crawford (Faber & Faber, 1995)?
