I gotta tell U something, Mark...

 MW> will boot up and I can look at C: and all seems fine. I have even
 MW> loaded Win3.1 onto one of them and it will run fine as long as I boot
 MW> up with a floppy, go to C: and tell it to run Win. It is marked as
 MW> the active partition and have tried booting without the A:(floppy)
 MW> only C: set in the bios. They seem to be formatted with fat16 and
 MW> have tried all the jumper settings on the HD.  Any thoughts on what I
 MW> may be doing wrong would be appreciated.
    The C: drive can be Active, but not bootable. Make a system diskette, then
run from A: "SYS C:" Reboot and it should work.

    Bye bye, Mark !

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