>  This thread seems to be dealing with the "slack" space on a hard

    There are at least two good utilities for MEASURING the ACTUAL
slack on your drives. One is by MS. It is a Win98 marketing tool to talk
into upgrading to "recover" all this wasted space. (You do.) It gives a
figure of your savings. The Microsoft Site has it. It probably has moved
I was last there... ;-))  Search for:  w98fat32.exe (It is a self
extracting exe file.)
If the above filename  is incorrect, sorry...  Sometimes I change the
local names....

    The other is a freeware that checks your drives, one at a time,  in a
WINDOW  and builds a chart for the WASTED space for seven  different
cluster sizes currently available. It lists: number of directories,
counts ALL
your files on the drive being tested. (Even the Very hidden ones.)
sums all file sizes, lists size of drive.  (In decimal and binary Megs.)
The following is just "C", my Win95 boot drive.
It informs me on my 2047.03m drive, I have  565m of files, in 32K
(I have 310 dir, 4,751 files. This is a "clean system")
Waste at   512K=1.94m
Waste at   1,024=2.18m
Waste at   2.048=5.84m
Waste at   4.096=10.34m
Waste at   8,192=22.10m
Waste at 16,384=48.71m
Waste at 32,768=101.44m  (I am running a little less than 20%)

The site URL is: http://www.walbeehm.com/files/WASTED.ZIP
File size is 9.7K (If you blink, you "miss" the D/L)
Note: This is WWW URL to a FILE. Please remember (or know)
where your browser stores downloads.  An unzipping program is needed.
        Rick Glazier

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