Hi Aaron and all,

To be a ketogenic diet only requires the lowering of carb grams to point
at which the body will begin to burn its own fat stores for energy.  This
amt seems to be anywhere from 10 grams to 30, depending on the person.
It does not require the lowering of protein, and in fact, many people on
such a diet, will consume quite large amts of protein.  My understanding
is that whenever you are burning fat for fuel, you will produce a certain
amt of ketones.  These are then re-circulated and are used by the body as
an add'l source of energy.  Many people do very well on this type of
diet.  In fact for many very overweight people, it has probably saved
their lives.   There are also people who do poorly on it.

My own personal feeling is that when all is said and done,  the huge,
big, villi an is gonna be the stuff  that man has made to poison himself,
mainly in the last 100 years or so.  The carbs that God put on this earth
naturally, fruit, nuts, vegetables, etc, are good for the majority of

OK, that my lecture for the next 6 months.


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