Online workshop on desiging web pages for mainstream access August 1998.

Many web pages unintentionally create barriers for thousands of potential
visitors and, at the same time, fail to cconform to the requirements of the law.

Web users with a wide variety of disabilities love the web because it provides
them access to information and to the world as never before, but some web design
prevents them from accessing information and navigating some sites.  Is yours
one of these?

EASI: Equal Access to Software and Information is offering an online workshop
for six weeks in August and September via the web and email that will explain
the dessign barriers and how to solve these problems.  The workshop has been
taken by hundreds of people across the country and also by people in several
other countries.  The instructors have a long record of providing online
training and of working on the problems of information technology and mainstream
access.  The workshop is excellent for people with medium HTML knowledge and
also for those who want to understand the issues so they can provide better
direction for others who are actually doing the web design.  Good for web
designers, teachers, trainers, computer staff of all kinds and school and
computer administrators.  The workshop covers simple HTML to help beginners,
explains how people with different disabilities access the web and outlines the
special features available in HTML to make information accessible to everyone.

It ends with an introduction to multimedia on the web.  Multimedia has the
potential of creating new barriers if designed poorly or, because of multiple
communication modes, has the ability to be a universal communication tool.

For more information about the workshop and information on registration and
registration fees, go to

or write to Norman coombs, Ph.D. [log in to unmask]