<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I received tons of mail from all you lovely people, and will now try
to summarize.

First off, it(weight gain)  seems to be the major concern and
problem for most Celiacs.

And interestingly enough most people gain it in their abdomen, we can
all recognize each other with our round little tummies!!!  Many
people indicated they had exactly the same problem, they eat well,
exercise, but can't take it off, expecially in their stomach area,
hmmmm interesting, don't know what it means, but's it's interesting.
I had a very nice MD write  regarding results of my thyroid and
perhaps I need to investigate that more throughly, which I plan on
doing.  I've notice that low thyroid function seems to be quite
rampant amongst Celiac's, it certainly is worth investigating, since
we all have trouble with the weight thing.  Others told me, high
protein, low carbs.  I found an intersting web site
http://www.healthyideas.com/healing/living/hipro.html regarding the
drawbacks, and personally, high protein diets create a state called
ketosis, which is dangerous,  I remember a long time ago, going on
the Scarsdale diet (remember that one, UGH!), which was the same
theory regarding ketosis,  I lost 12 lbs in 2 weeks, felt very
sluggish, hungry all the time, it was all water I lost, then stopped
it when reports of people dropping dead of heart attacks while on it
were reported in the States. Not for me.  Some people wrote that it
just takes alot of time, especially if you want to lose it right and
not gain it back.  Also, that muscle weighs more than fat, I may be
toner, but not see drastic results, which is true I am a bit toner.
The starchs we use in our baking, is high in calories and to starchy,
that may be culprit.  I don't bake very often, and rarely use the
starches.  Most people get their protein from meats and other things
rather than from the flours they use so lack of that protein shoudn't
be a factor.  Age probably plays a bit of a role in the whole
picture, we all agree that metabolism slows down as we age. Some feel
my intake of fat maybe to severe, I will maybe have to increase the
good oils, I presently use, organic cold pressed virgin olive oil,
but only about 1/2 tsp. in my stir fry.  Perhaps I'll use 1/2
tablespoon.  I don't starve myself, I never let myself go between
meals starving, I will always eat something low cal to ward off the
hunger, which I don't experience often.  Another response was that we
now absorb fat and our body chemistry is adjusting to it.  Some have
kept their weight at a normal level, through exercise and eating

The Zone diet was recommended, but doesn't appeal to me at all.
Someone suggested giving up fruits and veggies, don't think so!  I'm
reading Dr. Andrew Weill's, book 8 weeks to Optimal Health, I admire
and respect his approaches to medicine, and health, and will
seriously consider following alot of his recommendations. I've
already started using ginger, garlic, and green teas, and plan on
getting some gingko this weekend.  As well as Dr. Dean Ornish, I
think they both approach health and diet in a very common sense,
everything in moderation, style, which I am more prone to agree with.
 Maybe a combination of the two.

My conclusion is that I will just keep at it, (I forgot to mention
that I don't own a car, and walk everywhere,( I walk to and from work
about a 13 min brisk walk one way, walk home for lunch and back).  I
will watch carefully and write down what I eat, and continue
exercising, maybe cut back to 5 days, as not to overdo it and risk
injury.  Some wrote just keep at it and I will see results, as long
as there is no medical problem such as hypothyrodism, which from all
the emails, I have a sneaky suspicion that  somewhere, somehow it has
a part to play in all this, for all of us.  Just try and get our MD's
to take it more seriously and investigate it a little further!!

So as you can see, there was no concrete answer, everyone has there
theories on this, there is no easy solution unfortunately. I thank
each one of you for responding, and if I find out any new information
I will pass it along to you.

Halifax, N.S.