<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello everyone:

This problem I know has been discussed before, but I would still like
to pose the question, "Is there something we are missing in our diets
now that Gluten is gone from it, that is sabbotoging our
metabolisms"??  Since gluten is a protein, and it has been eliminated
from our diets, do we need more protein than normal????  I'm asking
because since being GF for 2 1/2 years, I have steadily gained
approx. 10- 15 lbs (I don't weight myself so I'm not sure, but I
can't fit into my clothes from 2 years ago).  I've always exercised,
but in the last 8 weeks I have really been on a nutrition and
exercise routine, that does not seem to be doing anything at all??  I
want to train to enter my first marathon in the fall, so am very
devoted and focused to get in good enough shape to do it.   I've cut
out all junk food, never really ate  that much, mostly potato chips
which are HIGH IN FAT, and tons of calories.  I eat fresh fruits and
vegetables, (mostly organic), eat skinless chicken, fish, cook with
no oil, measure my food, have halfed my portions, eat small meals,
and 2 snacks aday, (consisting of carrots, broccoli, hot air popped
pop corn, fruit bars), but mostly have started to exercise
consistently, every day, 6-7 day/week.  My routine is, up at 5:30
a.m., bike to the park, jog around the park, at a good pace in the
7-8 zone, and bike back home, to do sit ups, leg work, etc.  with
weights, and 3 times/week work out with weights.  It takes approx. 1
hr (for the biking and jogging) and 20 mins. of floor exercise.  Then
2 nights per week, (this is in addition to the 1 hr in the morning
routine)  I go to a step/slide class, and an aerobox class
(combination boxing and aerobics).  I have done this consistently,
for 8 weeks (before that I exercised approx. 3 days a week and ate
well, but didn't really cut out the potato chips).  I don't smoke,
drink, or  consume alot of sugar, don't drink  soda pop, I drink 8-10
glasses of water per day, take vitamin C, a multivitamin, all the B
vitamins, and  Vitamin E.  When I do bake, say a banana loaf, I do it
without oil or margarine, I use skim milk yogurt.  I am sooooo
frustrated, I could scream!!!!! I don't feel I've lost anymore then 1
lb in all this time and effort.  People who know me, always comment
on my healthy lifestyle, but I know there thinking I should be in
excellent shape, and trimmer. My thryoid has been checked over the
last year and half, because it  was leaning towards underactive, but
my Dr., said it isn't low enough to diagnose Hypothyroid, and the
further tests showed it didn't go any lower.  Don't know if that has
anything to do with it or not.  I know as we age, our metabolism
slows down and I just turned 40.  But I just can't believe it's
taking this long, with this much effort.  It's baffling, and that's
what makes me think there must be something that we are missing?
There seems to be some correlation between lack of protein and weight
gain, what- I don't know, but seems a lot of people with celiac
disease have problems with weight gain after going GF,(
understandably if they were losing weight because of intestinal
damage and not keeping anything down).  Any thoughts on this?  I'm
not giving up though, I'm going to increase my distances for running,
but by the end of the summer, if I don't see any results, I'm going
back to my doctor and maybe ask to see an endocrinologist.  Thanks
for any input or if you seem to have similar problems, would
appreciate any comments regarding this.

Halifax, Nova Scotia