I can't tell you what it is, but I can tell you how to fix it. Put your
Win98 cd in your drive. Go to the Start Button, Programs, Accessories,System
Tools and click on System File Checker. It will check all your System Files,
when it gets to the GDI.EXE file, it will tell you that it is corrupted and
ask if you want it replaced. Say yes, point it to the Win98 CD and it will
be replaced.
I have the same trouble with that file and also the USER32.DLL & WINMM.DLL.
I keep all three files in the root dir. of my C:\ drive, so when one of them
acts up, I drop down into DOS and copy whichever file into the
Windows\System Folder. Usually clears it right up.
Hope this helps you.

Bill M. Smith
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>Each program gets an illegal operating message referring to module GDI.EXE
>Alan Priol.