
I just received this recipe from the Soyfoods USA
Vol. 3, No. 5 June 16, 1998 free soy foods e-mail service.
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Soyfoods USA...a monthly e-mail newsletter designed to inform media
sources, dietitians, and consumers about the latest soyfoods
Underwritten by the Indiana Soybean Board.

This recipe sounds promising :)


Rich Chocolate Soy Ice Cream

A delectable rich dairy-free ice cream recipe from one of our readers!
will need a commercial ice-cream maker.

3 large egg yolks
1 1/2 cups unsweetened soy milk* (the type found in your grocer's dairy
case, such as Soy Nice or Sunrise)
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa (slightly heaping)
2 cups soy milk
2 teaspoons vanilla

Add egg yolks, soy milk and sugar to a medium saucepan and beat until
mixed. Cook over medium heat, (be patient!), stirring constantly, until
mixture becomes thick enough to coat the spoon.

Remove mixture from heat. Sift the cocoa into the mixture. Beat with a
mixer until well blended. Cool in refrigerator.

Stir the remaining 2 cups soy milk and vanilla into the cooled mixture
mix well. Refrigerate overnight, or at least 8 hours.

Put the mixture in your ice- cream maker and process according to
manufacturer's directions.

Makes about 4 cups.
Nutrition facts per one cup serving: 397 calories, 9.5 g protein, 73 g
carbohydrate, 9 g fat, 1 g saturated fat, 160 mg cholesterol, 135 mg

Notes: This makes a wonderfully dark, rich ice-cream. Like most homemade

ice-cream, it will become quite hard if put back into the freezer after
processing. Just let it thaw on the counter for a few minutes before

*If using sweetened or vanilla-flavored soy milk, you may want to adjust

the sugar/vanilla additions accordingly.