[log in to unmask] wrote:

In a message dated 6/16/98 11:00:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:

<< I am working on a client's machine (Acer pentium with 8 megs of ram, cd rom
 running Win 3.1). A newly installed USR Sportster 28.8 internal modem is
 causing the machine to freeze up after logging onto the net. There does not
 seem to be any driver conflicts. Any other ideas? Many thanks.

 Shawn M. Shea
 [log in to unmask] >>

  One thing that comes to mind, if memory serves me correctly, the standard
COM driver in Win 3.1 was only good for up to 9600 baud modems, faster modems
can outrun the driver, and cause the application to crash.

Hope this helps,
Peter Hogan
[log in to unmask]

While Peter makes a good point about standard drivers, I think this refers to 3.0 since
I never had speed troubles with Win 3.11 (windows for workgroups) or it's sibling, 3.1
I did have never ending trouble with com port addresses, which I unceremoniously
dealt with by always disabling the motherboard com2 and installing the modem as com2
in it's place.  Fighting with com3 and com4 wasn't helping my blood pressure.

If your devoted to Win 3.x, I suggest you scrounge up a copy of Windows for Workgroups.
I still run a 386/40 mhz on it with TCP/IP I got from MS web site, using a 28k modem as
a proxy server and dedicated fax sending server, very slow (how fast do faxes and emails
have to go?) but very stable.
tom turak