On Wed, 10 Jun 1998 13:21:51 -0400 Beth Kevles <[log in to unmask]> writes:

>Peanut butter
>Eggs (scrambled and boiled)

I was just warned once again about how allergenic these two things are
for toddlers.  My allergist doesn't recommend eggs under 2 years because
they are the number one aggrevator of eczema.  Occasional small amounts
(like in a cake) are OK.

He did give us the go ahead to try fish.  Not that I'm going to be able
to find fish sticks w/out dairy and corn!  He did say that studies have
been done on tuna and that with the processing there is hardly any of the
allergenic proteins left.  I think we may try some tuna in oil to make
tuna salad.  I just need to find an appropriate salad dressing to mix it
with since I still do want to avoid the eggs.  I know there are some
vegan ones but haven't looked at them for corn content.

Kathy P.

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