See the Movie!
Read the Book!
Take the Course!
Get the Credit!


** Note this new course includes more information relevant to special
education and K-12.

Get the latest information on teaching strategies and hardware and software
solutions that can help you or your students get access to the fields of
science, math and technology for persons with disabilities.  EASI's online
course has been expanded to four full weeks of instruction and you can now earn
3 continuing education units for your work.  You'll also get valuable
materials, including three videotapes and the book "Information Access and
Adaptive Technology," all for the low price of $195.

Too many students with disabilities reach college without the foundational
background they need in math, science, or adaptive technology.  Without these
basic foundational skills, students often fail in meeting their college core
requirements in science and math, and they don't get the opportunity to decide
if they'd like to major in the technical fields.  EASI-SEM, the online course
on science, engineering and math access focuses on the barriers faced by
students with disabilities and the accommodations  and strategies that will
helps students with disabilities work and study in the technical fields.  The
material is aimed at service providers, teachers, administrators, and it is
also helpful for parents.


 *Attitudinal Barriers by Faculty and Employers
 *Laboratory Access Barriers, Inaccessible Workstations and Instruments
 *Difficulties Using Scientific and Mathematical Notation and Graphics.
 *Hardware and Software Solutions
 *Teaching Strategies


 *Offered Through E-mail (all you need is a regular e-mail account).
 *Includes Class Discussion With Colleagues Throughout the Country.
 *One-on-one Contact with Instructor.
 *Material is Designed for Service Providers, Faculty and Students.

The next course begins on July 6, 1998.  For more information, go to
There you will get a syllabus and registration form
(Registration is $195)
For a syllabus and registration form in e-mail: [log in to unmask]
You can also contact the instructor:
Carmela Cunningham at:  Phone:  (562) 983-5155 Fax:  (562) 983-5157 or
E-mail: [log in to unmask]

EASI (Equal Access to Software and Information), a non-profit organization, is
part of the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Group and An affiliate of the
American Association for higherEEducation

This EASI online course was developed with a grant from the national Science