<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

At long last, here is the summary of responses I got when I expressed
concern over continuing to give my son Phillips' magnesia tablets for his
constipation (his gastroenterologist said they were OK, but starch was
listed as an ingredient).  I was impressed by the number of people who
replied to my plea for help, and by the variety of suggestions I got--it's
great to know there's more than one thing in the "bag of tricks."  Many
thanks to all who took the time and trouble to respond!

Someone pointed out to me that starch in the US usually means cornstarch,
and someone else suggested I call Bayer Corp. (the manufacturer) and ask
if the tablets were gluten-free.  I took a closer look at the label, found
the phone number (1-800-331-4536), and talked to a pleasant person who
said that no gluten is included in the ingredients of their products, but
that there might be traces of gluten because they get the ingredients
from other suppliers.  I've decided to keep giving my son the magnesia
tablets, and will try some of the other ideas that were suggested.  Below
are excerpts from those replies, with some comments from me thrown in.
Lorraine A. Ratajczak                      Internet:  [log in to unmask]
Philadelphia, PA, USA

Have you consulted with Bill Malizzo of Stokes Pharmacy? (800) 754-5222
[Someone else also suggested this--said they are on the Internet, too.
They can make almost anything and they know all about celiac disease and
Your doctor will probably think this is too old fashioned to work, but
many doctors (and grandmothers) say to put dark Karo syrup in with formula
to relieve constipation for babies.  No reason it wouldn't work on an older
child.  Maybe you could make a fudge sauce with it.  I would try it or
research some other natural laxatives.  There are probably some homeopathic
remedies as well as herbal tinctures.  I found some herbal tinctures that
were manufactured without alcohol for my children.  They taste better than
the regular ones too.  (So good, they want them even when they don't need
[stuff deleted]

P.S. I just thought of a question:  Does your son take vitamin
supplements?  If they contain iron, they could be causing his constipation.
If you want information on some that won't cause constipation, let me know.
[note:  my son refuses vitamin supplements]
    Also, you may be able to relieve the constipation by increasing his
intake of water.  (Not just liquids, just water.)  I find my kids drink more
water if it is in the bottles with the spouts.  Just wash and refill them,
instead of buying more, if it is expensive in your area. [stuff deleted]
I know that broccoli,
cauliflower, and cabbage make me incredibly constipated.  Maybe it would
be beneficial to see if different foods are causing him problems...I know
that once I figured out the broccoli thing I've been quite a bit better.

Hope this helps some.  Also, if your son is eating alot of carbohydrates
you could try cutting down on those somewhat and feed him more
meat/veggies.  I know this has also helped me. I think anyway. :) Somtimes
it's tough to tell.  [unfortunately, my son is on a vegetable strike]
The most important thing is enough liquid.  We made a chart so we were sure
that enough liquids we actually being consumed.  The child can help with that.
Papaya is a good drink as it has fiber and tastes good too.  YOu could make a
fruit coctail etc.  They need 6-8 glasses of liquid mimimun a day.  If this is
not enough, increase it.  Cut down on the foods that bind etc.  I am sure you
know all this already.

This receipe works as a cupcake receipe and it is good for him  I hope it helps
you. If you do not mention the prunes, no one will know they are in the recipe.

Gluten free Prune Cake  (muffins)   Ruth E. Smith

1 cup boiling water - pour over prunes.  Cool completely (approx. 2 hours)
1 cup uncooked prunes - cut up
2 large eggs- beat until light
1 cup sugar - add and beat
1/2 cup oil gf - add and blend in until light
2 cups flour - rice or gf mix
1 tsp. salt
1 1/4 soda
1 tsp xantham gum   mix all the dry ingredients and sift and add gently and
1 tsp. cinnamon     mix until just blended.
1 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp cloves
1 cup nuts - optional  - fold in last

I have may compliments on this.  I hope your child likes it.  You might try
subsituting cocoa for a chocolate cake and he will never know the difference.
[I haven't tried this yet, but it sounds like something my son might eat)
I'll check with my friend  ... but she drinks this herbal tea at
night that works as a laxative ... might want to check with
your vitamin shop ... you could always brew it as a tea
and then chill it, like all those other cold ice-tea based drinks .....
Check local health store for Guar Gum.. This is the reason alot of Celiacs
can't use Guar in baking, it's laxative effect is well know in health circles.
It comes in caps and powder forms.   If Guar causes loose stools in baking, CD
people switch to Xantham to compensate.   The health store has lots of
remedies and herbal teas as well.
[guar gum doesn't seem to have a laxative effect on my son, but maybe the
dose I tried was too small]
Maybe this is too simple a solution for a bigger problem, but apple juice
certainly loosens my stools to the point of discomfort. I would think you
could get a kid to drink lots of apple juice. Just a thought. Good luck.
[apple juice doesn't affect my son this way]
Look into EQUALACTIN, see my recent post about it being GF.  I don't know
about any other possible ingredients that may not agree with your son, so
you will need to check into this.  It comes in the form of a pleasant (my
opinion) tasting chewable tablet.  It is used for both constipation and
loose bowel movements.  It is sold over the counter in drug stores
throughout the USA.
How about trying dried fruit, many people, including kids like it as
much as candy.  When I'm doing real good at staying GF, I will get constipated
and still trying to find the right balance, but one or two pieces of dried
figs, peaches or apricots does do the trick.  Don't let him take too many, or
he may get a over-reaction. By right balance I mean, one piece daily, one
every other day or just exactly how much and how often.
[My friend's child is helped by dried apricots, too.  Others mentioned
prunes, dates, and raisins.  But my son won't touch any dried fruit.]
it's been some time since I had little ones around but one thing that
used to work for mine was to mix medicines in a milk shake.  If you add
half a frozen banana or some other strong flavoring ( just run it through
the blender) it will help mask the taste.
Make a tofu shake in the blender and add the selected remedy to the mix.  I
place GF vanilla, a banana, fruit juice, honey or GF brown rice sugar, and
soft tofu.  In your son's case, how about some pure psyllium seed (is GF)
tossed in (sold in bulk for about $5 at health food stores) to promote good
bowel movements?  Alternately, rice bran might do the trick.  You only need
a teaspoon.  Just a thought...

[unfortunately, my son is allergic to dairy products, and won't drink
soy or rice milks, even if they're flavored with chocolate]
>is Smooth Move by Traditional Medicinals found at my local health food
I use to give my daughter physillum husk.  You can but it pure in the HFS.
Check label because there are combinations.  You can put on cereal or mix in
stuff.  If you put it in juice, he will know it but drink quick before it
thickens.  Must drink alot of water all day.  Start with tiny amount 1/2 tsp
three times a day.  It is the main ingredient in Metamucil which I believe is
GF also but has dyes.  It does have flavor though and might work for you to
use with your son.  I like this as it is natural fiber but need to drink!!!!
Diane  P.S> I use to mix prune juice with purple grape juice also, just a
little threee times a day. What ever you sneak, do it three times or more a
day.  Do physillum slowly as it can cause cramping if you do to much at once
and not enough water.
I'm not sure of the gluten content if any, but take a look at psyllium
seed husks or psyllium seeds.  They are a natural product and have a laxative
effect over a period of 3-4 days.  I know that Walmart carries this in a
generic variety here in Colorado but because my hubby has very recently been
diagnosed with celiac, I haven't checked this out as yet.  The husks are high
in fiber and can be mixed with liquids, maybe even jello if he will eat that.
I suppose you could mix with fudge also.  They have no taste by themselves.
Maybe even mix in ice cream, puddings, etc.
Pumpkin can work as a stool softener-bulking agent.  Mix it in whatever you want to fix - I'll even toss a spoonful in my rice dishes, with breakfast cereal,...Have you tried guar gum?  I will add some to thicken one-dish meals that I fix for myself.  It will add moisture and help. =20
I give my son Citracel. He is 10 and it's a powder I mix in his apple juice
every morning, water is fine to, it's orange flavor and tastes like Tang.
you can buy it at any drug store.  [another person suggested this too]
I imagine you've tried already, but how about prunes, dried apricots, dates?
It doesn't take alot in my limited experience, especially with prunes. Or
abdominal massage?
Hi - I also have the constipation problem, but have found that by going
completely GF, not just the wheat and milk, the constipation has cleared
up for the most part.  If I eat anything that has a little bit of gluten
in it, then it comes back in full force for a day or so.  You might
consider taking him off of barley, rye and oats, too.
[my son has been off all gluten for about 6 months now, but his
constipation problem persists]
Try Rice Bran--sprinkle it on his breakfast every morning or in with the
fudge.   You can get it from Ener-g Foods--order a  small box and see if it
works---then ordering in bulk is the most cost efficient--get you child to
drink a lot of liquids--water or juice.
Why not look to the natural methods?  First of all--lots of water and
Oat bran makes great muffins--add cut up prunes or dates to batter.
Nuts can be added to batter or eaten out of hand.  Those with higher fat
content--Brazil nuts and macadamias are particularly effective.

I would susupect that he is allergic to something he is eating which is
resulting in the constipation.
Lightlly steam broccoli & cauliflower instead of eating it raw.  It can
be digested more readily.
Check out a good health food store for other possiblities.

One more thing-when I was a kid and had diarrhea, the dr suggested that
I be given bananas to stop it--well, that didn't work.  It made it worse
because that was the way my system worked.  Chocolate worked for me.
My pt is to let his body tell you what to do--pay attention to it.

I would urge you to avoid meds and try a natural method.
I was thinking you could try plain flavored metamucil and add it to his
applesauce and have him eat it quick before it congeals too much.  Check if
it's gluten free again.  I think I checked last year but it's good to be safe.

Also, does he like prunes?  I eat three with each meal and they're easy to
tolerate.  Also grapes would work also.  Another thing I eat is popcorn.  Try
all of these and also grape juice should help.
I have the following suggestions, some worked for my daughter, (still do,
as most of the time she's constipated) who is now 13 months old.  She also
has a gluten problem(don't know about CD) and a lactose problem.

Prune juice - I used to water it down, but it works best straight.  Once
you get it to work, just have him take some at various times during the
day, to keep him regular, instead of just giving it to him when he's
Karo light syrup - my doc told me about this, when Mary was on formula,
just a teaspoon in her bottle.  As far as I know, it's just sweet tasting,
so your son may like to just lick it off of a spoon.  Try a teaspoon a few
times a day to start.

Lay off any bananas or cheese (if he takes non dairy cheese).

For a while, when she was on Carnation Follow up Soy formula, she was
normal.  But we weaned her off of bottles and formula, and onto lactose
free milk.  So her constipation is back.  But we deal with it, and because
she's older, she's stronger in certain areas(if you get my meaning!!) to
"deal" with it herself.  In racking my brain for more help for you, I don't
know anything other than antibiotics that has made her stools softer.  And
you don't want more meds!!
Have you tried V-8 juice.  A lot of celiacs use it with success.  He would
probably balk at warm water in the a.m.; but this also works.
As a kid I took all medicines crushed up in jelly on a teaspoon.  Perhaps
your son will like that better than applesauce.  The jelly taste is strong
and overpowers the crushed tablets, also, you sort of swallow it, rather
than chew it.
[Other families swear by this, too, especially mixing meds in strawberry
jam, because the seeds hide the change in texture, but my son didn't
swallow it.]
I have had constipation all of my life and it was particularly difficult to
deal with as a child.  None of the standard stool softeners worked, and I
couldn't stand mint for years from the experience of taking the mint
flavored Milk of Magnesia.  I'm afraid I have never really found a lot of
help, but there is an herbal treatment that may help.  It is called
Triphala and it does seem to help make my constipation better.  It is not a
stimulant, so it should be safe, but I do not know the proper dosage for
children.  You may want to mention it to your doctor or ask someone at a
health food store.
[Given that my son's had constipation problems for over a year, I
suspect his case might be like this one.  I need to follow up on Triphala!]
Just a few thoughts on your sons condition.  I have had alot of experience
with this problem.  I also work in a health food store and help other
people with this problem.  Your son is too young to continue on like this.
There are several reasons why he would be so constipated.  You may have to
try several different things.  The first suggestion would be to definately
go to your local health food store and buy him a bottle of acidophilus.  It
is in the refrigerated section.  Please buy a good one not a cheap one.
You will have to pay between 14.95 and 18.95.  The person in the store
should have some knowledge of what to give you.  They have special ones for
children.  If you buy an inexpensive one you will not get the results.  And
remember to keep it in the refrigerator at all times.  If he takes the
recommended amount on the bottle, or the highest dose they say it should
help alot.  The intestinal track gets overwhelmed with bad bacteria and the
good bacteria disappears.  If you eat too much sugar (fudge!), if you have
had antibiotics, if you have a condition called candida (yeast overgrowth)
in your system and or parasites.  This can all cause the bad bacteria to
overtake.  Also he may be low in magnesium and potassium.  These minerals
make you go to the bathroom.  You have to seriously look at diet!!! If he
is eating too much sugar and white refined products you can expect
CONSTIPATION!  Enzymatic Therapy has a product call Magnesium-Potassium
Chelates. That is a very good product. He may have to do half of the adult
dosage.  This should make a big difference.  The acidophilus needs to be
taken 1/2 hour away from food so that it will implant in the intestinal
track instead of in the food.  You can get powder to mix in luke warm juice
or capsules.  It doesn't taste.  Don't make such a big prodject out of
taking the supplement.  Don't even tell him that there is something in the
glass besides juice.  He won't know.  If this does not work after a couple
of weeks, you can have his stool tested at a laboratory for candida,
parasites, bacteria, acidophilus, etc.  The name is Great Smokies
Diagnostic Laboratory. The number is 1-800-522-4762.  They can tell
deficiencies in minerals and vitamins, etc.  Hope this wasn't too much for
you at one time!! Good luck, he doesn't have to live like this.  He is too

Have you tried prune juice?
[Yes; he wouldn't touch it.  Haven't yet tried it mixed with grape
juice as suggested above.]
According to all the references on Liquorice, it is a natural laxative and
there is now gluten free liquorice available.
I like a product known as allerdophilus made by Twin Labs.  It would be
available through health food stores.  It is a capsule which contains psyllium
powder and acidophilus.  While a 5 year old probably would not swallow the
capsule you might be able to mix the powder in something.  He would then need
to drink water or juice to provide the necessary liquid.

My son learned to swallow pills at an early age.  Have him put it far back on
his tongue and then "chug" something he likes.
I would try a colace tablet.   I believe some are gluten free as they
are  in a gel.   I am a nurse in a hospital and that is what we start
with when someone has constipation.   If that doesn't work we move on
to other things.   There is colace and pericolace on the market.  If
one doesn't work try the other.  Doctors don't kknow everything and
if your son has a sof stoll he may be more willing to defecate.
[the pediatric gastroenterologist had said colace wouldn't work]