<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

At our Celiac live chat last night we had several new people who have
teenagers and younger children that have CD.  They were inquiring as to
whether we had a chat for them.  At this moment we do not but would be happy
to have them use our 24 hour chat room for their chats.  The chats would be
separate - one for teenagers and one for the younger group.

Would those of you who have teenagers and younger children that would be
interested in having this chat available to them, please contact me.  I
would like to know their names, ages, the days and time (using Eastern
Standard Time) that would be best for them.

We have several people in our chat group who have been Celiacs since they
were children.  They know how important it is for the younger people to be
able to chat with others their age.  I know it has to be very difficult for
them to feel like they are the only ones their age having to eat GF.
Meeting others with the same problems, questions, etc. would certainly be
helpful for them.

Also, if you have any suggestions regarding this new chat, please let me

These new chats will be at the same website as our live Monday night chat
but not at the same chat room.   The first chat on the website is for the
Monday night live chat.  The second chat on the list is the 24 hour chat.


Please contact me at - [log in to unmask]

MedSupport Celiac Chat Host
Monday (weekly) Celiac Live Chats from 8-10 PM  EST at: