<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I just checked out the Bio Foods web page to inquire about their Balance
bars energy snacks.  Below is a snippet of their FAQ :

13. Are the bars gluten-free?
                 None of the ingredients in Balance bars
                 contain gluten. However, Balance bars are
                 not a certified gluten-free product.
                 Extremely hard to detect traces of gluten
                 may be found in the machinery or raw
                 materials (primarily sweeteners) used in
                 manufacturing the product, and traces may
                 be found in some bars.

This does exclude the Granola bar, which was not even illustrated on
the page about the bars.

Bio foods can be contacted at 1-800-678-4246 or [log in to unmask]
Bill Lucas
[log in to unmask]
Burlington, NJ USA

Member of Celiac list (gluten free foods);
Genealogy: Researching Cain (PA), Dock (PA), Flora (PA), Garner (PA),
                   Lucas (PA/NJ), Speese (PA), Freyer ?, Rank ?