<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

In recent months we have had several posts from the parents of celiac
children.  Some of these posts were of interest to all celiacs, and
therefore were best suited for the CELIAC list.  However, some posts
were mainly of interest to other celiac parents; these posts might be
better suited for the CEL-KIDS list.

CEL-KIDS is a list for celiac children and their parents.  Children can
discuss how they cope with the gluten-free diet and being "different" in
school and in other social situations involving interaction with other
kids.  The parents of celiac children can discuss issues which are
specifically related to raising a celiac child.

There are several points to consider regarding the CEL-KIDS list:

  1. We ask that anyone who subscribes to CEL-KIDS also be on the CELIAC

  2. Please do NOT send the same post to both the CEL-KIDS list and the
     CELIAC list.  If it is of general interest, send it to CELIAC; if
     it is only of interest to other celiac kids and their parents, send
     it to CEL-KIDS.

  3. The same general rules apply to both lists, such as staying on
     topic, answering queries privately so the answers can be summarized
     in one post, selectively quoting a post when replying, etc.
     However, we tend to allow a lot more leeway in posts from celiac
     children than from adults.

  4. Currently there are about 360 CEL-KIDS subscribers.  We currently
     average less than one post per day on CEL-KIDS, so it is not
     usually a real busy list.

To subscribe to the CEL-KIDS list, send an e-mail message containing the
following line to [log in to unmask]:

   SUBSCRIBE CEL-KIDS firstname lastname

CEL-KIDS is managed by the same listowners as CELIAC.  If you have any
questions or problems, you can reach the listowners at:

   [log in to unmask]

For the listowners,

-- Jim Lyles ................... Home: [log in to unmask]
-- Holly, Michigan, USA ........ Work: [log in to unmask]