My son had the skin prick test when he was just over a year old and his
milk allergy didn't show, but the egg allergy did. Since he had these food
allergies, I decided to steer clear of peanuts in any form as long I could to
avoid him developing a peanut allergy. I was told the earlier they are
exposed to peanuts the more likely they will be allergic. Now that he's two
I've been
wondering whether to get the RAST test done to check for other allergies
and to check the progress of current allergies. Does the RAST test have an
"age limit"
so to speak?

>My daugher was diagnosed with milk/wheat allergies in February
>and now it appears she is also reacting to peanut butter? Does
>anyone know how this works, she isn't reacting with vomiting,
>but with irritability and stomach aches. Can additional allergies
>appear and how does one keep track of this?
>I am thinking of having blood tests done on her instead of
>scratch tests (she is 18 months old) - any advice as to if we
>shoudl do this? I thought the blood tests might be able to
>pick up more allergens.

Linda Murray
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