Here's a technology that seems to have considerable potential for
blind people, since consumer electronics have become increasingly
visually oriented and mouse-like in their user interfaces.


 From the web page

 CSUN 98 Papers


                  Gregg C. Vanderheiden, Ph.D.
                         Chris Law, M.S.
                        David Kelso, M.S.
                        Trace R&D Center
                University of Wisconsin-Madison


The Universal Remote Console Communication (URCC) is a new
nonproprietary standard being developed with IrDA and other
groups to allow remote devices to control products (target
devices). Target devices can be televisions, VCRs, stereos,
kiosks, telephones, air conditioners, microwave ovens, or any
other product that has electronic controls and displays. Remote
consoles can be special devices, laptop computers, personal
digital assistants (PDAs), augmentative communication aids,
braille devices (e.g., the Braille Lite (TM)), etc. URCC works
over infrared, RF, or copper wire. The primary current
implementation is via the IrDA infrared protocol (used on laptop
computers, for example). Researchers internationally are
contributing to the URCC development effort.


More and more electronic appliances and systems are being
introduced into our homes and communities, and many if not most
of these are coming with remote controls.  However, current
remote controls are fixed and uni-directional.  They are also
limited to a small number of fixed functions for which there are
standard codes.

The Universal Remote Console Communication (URCC) protocol is
being proposed as a way of providing a mechanism that would
allow easy, flexible control by a very broad range of devices,
including the assistive technologies that a person with a
disability may already be using.

The original work on the URCC protocol was carried out in an
effort to develop an infrared link that could be used between
public information systems and assistive technologies.  However,
if it were targeted only to this use, the protocol would not be
implemented on a widespread basis, and would therefore be of
limited utility to people with disabilities.  Instead, the URCC
protocol is being targeted toward providing general-purpose
remote console capability to any product using an infrared
remote controller.  The goal is to have the protocol supported
on televisions, stereos, appliances, etc., as well as on public
information systems.

The URCC protocol is a remote console protocol rather than just
a remote control: that is, with an URCC compatible remote
console the user can both view information from all of the
displays on a target device as well as operate all of its

Target devices can be:
  * televisions
  * VCRs
  * stereos
  * kiosks
  * telephones
  * thermostats
  * microwave ovens, or
  * any other device that has electronic controls and displays.

Remote consoles can be special hand-held devices designed
specifically for this purpose. However, the remote console could
also be:
  * a laptop computer
  * an electronic pocket calendar
  * personal digital assistant (PDA) or
  * any other electronic device with controls and a display of
    some type

The display on the remote console need not be a visual display;
an entirely audio system could be used. In fact, a system could
be built that could allow you to operate appliances directly
over the telephone (you'd phone the "remote console," which
would then allow you to interact with the target devices).

Simple and Universal -- No Preprogramming

Unlike typical "universal" remote controllers, an URCC-based
controller gets the information about what controls are
available on a target device from the target device itself.
The URCC-based controller therefore:
  * does not have to be pre-programmed for different appliances
  * can handle products (target devices) with any arbitrary
    number of buttons or controls (including the hundreds that
    might be on a touchscreen-based product)
  * provides the exact name for each function (e.g., you never
    have to remember, as you do with some remote controls, that
    for Device 1 the button labeled "A" represents the control
    for turning on the sleep mode, but for Device 2 it
    represents surround sound).
  * is simple and straightforward, containing just a small
    number of powerful and versatile commands and data formats.

Works Over IR or Other Medium

The URCC is a communication protocol, and as such can be used
over any transmission medium: that is, it could be used over
infrared, RF, or copper wire. The primary use of the URCC at
this time, however, is envisioned as being in connection with
the IrDA (Infrared Data Association) infrared protocol. In this
capacity, it would allow individuals to use a single controller
(a dedicated controller, or an electronic pocket organizer, or a
laptop computer, etc.) with an IrDA port to control any
URCC-compatible device (VCR, stereo, thermostat, kiosk, etc.).

It would also allow those individuals with disabilities who
cannot use the displays and controls on the standard devices to
use a special assistive technology as a remote console, allowing
them to access and use the standard devices.

Text and Graphic Formats

Flexibility is also provided in terms of the formats that can be
used. Three URCC formats are currently proposed. Format 1 is
text-based and presentation-mode independent: that is, it could
be used with any size or type of display, including a purely
auditory display. This format consists essentially of a list of
the commands or functions available on the device at any given

Format 2 allows for a product to send simple touchscreen-like
console images to the remote console (in one or more
resolutions). These are essentially simple line drawings of the
buttons for the available commands and functions.

Format 3 allows photo-realistic images to be used in "image map"
like fashion.

Flexibility of Presentation

As discussed previously, the URCC protocol allows the remote
console to display the buttons and controls specific to each
particular product.  The figures below show what the display
might look like for three different devices using the graphic
(Format 2) presentation.

  Controlling a television

  Controlling a thermostat

  Controlling the CD portion of a stereo

Multiple Language Support

Another advantage of the fact that URCC-based controllers get
the information about what controls are available directly from
the target device, manufacturers also have the ability to design
their products with multiple languages.  A user could therefore
request, for instance, that their device display its controls in
Spanish rather than in English.  This would provide great
flexibility for developers of public information systems, who
may wish to provide access to their information for a diversity
of populations and backgrounds represented in a given community.


The guidelines developed by the Access Board implementing the
new Telecommunication Act require a standard such as URCC to
developed and used to allow alternate interfaces to be connected
to and used with standard technologies. If standard product
manufacturers and home electronic manufacturers can be convinced
that the URCC protocol provides them benefits as well, a whole
new era in assistive technology connectivity may be possible. In
order for this to happen, however, we need to out the very best
protocols, that have the greatest advantages for all users, not
just people with disabilities. Furthermore, this effort needs to
be international in scope, with people from around the world
working together to come up with the best possible protocol.

People interested in participating in the discussion and
development can log onto the listserv that has been set up for
this topic: [log in to unmask]

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This project is funded in part by the National Institute on
Disability and Rehabilitation Research of the Department of
Education under grants number H133E30012 & H133E5002. The
opinions herein are those of the grantee and do not necessarily
reflect those of the Department of Education.

For More Information

More information on the URCC Protocol is available at:

Gregg Vanderheiden
Trace R&D Center
Department of Industrial Engineering
College of Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI 53706

End of Document