
I run Photoshop 4 on a Pentium 166, and a Dx4 100 each with 64 megs of
RAM and 1 gig hard drives with no problems except that 30 meg files cause
lots of disk swapping. But the systems don't often crash. I do restart
photoshop every so often to free up memory. I don't find any conflicts
between Photoshop and windows 95 (a).
I suspect that you have some software conflicts, or possibley some
corrupt system files. Also you must have enough free hard disk swap space
for at least 5 times the size of the file you're working on in photoshop
on the disk you choose in photoshop preferences, plus room for your
windows swap file (two different swap files. Everything should be
defragmented often to keep swap files contiguous.
When I run into this situation an all else fails I reformat my disk and
reinstall everything. If you are running a graphics workstation you don't
need to many utilities and old junk clogging your hard disk and memory

Joel Bluming
[log in to unmask]

On Mon, 25 May 1998 17:44:42 EDT Digitaskul <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>      I am in need of some assistance in the selection of what to buy
>for a
>digital imaging system. Photoshop 4 soon to be 5 is a major memory hog
>seems to conflict with WIN 95 all the time. I am now using a clone
>with 233
>pentium II , 128MB RAM, 512 cache, 2.5GB Hard Drive, 128 bit video
>board with
>1MB VRAM. The system still locks up on a regular basis, with only
>open and working with a small-ish 20 to 30MB file with only two or
>layers. Is NT an answer? Would WIN 98 solve some of these problems?
>How about
>an ultra fast Hard Drive? Any help would be welcome.

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