>I recently purchased an 100 meg zip drive (Iomega) that when I run setup,
>it locates and installs on drive H. Drive G is my last drive and it is the
>cd. When the computer boots up, it kicks the cd to H, and takes G. Since I
>have quite a few programs that point to g as the cd drive, is there any way
>to make the zip stay on H?? Ther is no option that I can find in the
>properties/settings tab that I can find to do this, although zip
>documentation says there is.

Go into Control Panel -> System

Into Devices and into your CD section.  Bring up the properties tab for the
CD and you will see a first drive and last drive setting on the bottom.  Set
both to "G" and then find the Zip drive and do the same for it to "H".

Then reboot, and Ta-Da!! :)

Good Luck,

Justin Twyford
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