>>>I have a three computer Win network at home.  Funny
>>>A computer is my main one
>>>B computer is additional for other programs
>>>C laptop
>>>All connected via cables to box.
>>>A can see A & C only
>>>B can see B & C only
>>>C and see C & A & B
>>>If C sees them all, why doesn't A & B see each other.
>>>A & B Cables and ports and cards would be OK or C could not see
>>>All set identical in the Network setup.
>>>B & C are Win98, A is Win95
>>>Any ideas
>>Well Don here is an idea, are you booting the machines in the same order?
>>Are you booting the laptop last? Have you tried hitting start/shutdown and
>>then close all programs and log on as a different user then re-log in,
>>could be whats happening cause you are using a peer to peer network.
>You do not really have to go the start/shutdown/relog on to look for the
>other computers on the network..just right click on Network Neighborhood
>then click on Find Computer.
>Just my 2 cents :)
>Doreen Provenza
>[log in to unmask]

Well you can do it that way if you want to remap your drives every time you
log on that could be a big pain, if you just relog on when all the PC's are
already started up and running then you will restore all your network
connections, lets say the first computer has connections to various folders
on the other two computers and is printing  to a printer on one of those
other computers too, would you want to have to restore all those connections
everytime you start up the machines, I think not, this is just a way to
solve the problem, hey another way is dont turn off the machines after you
log them all on to one another like I was saying or you can make one an NT
Server, thats another way to go :)


Interesting fact: If you took all the sand in Northern Africa and spread it
out it would be enough to cover the entire Sahara Desert.