Rick Strong wrote:

> What info does anyone have re tuna;  I am assuming it is
> better to use water packed vs. that packed in oil.  Are
> heavy metals that much of an issue?  The dolphin issue is a
> concern  and I keep up on that but I do not recall the
> current teaching, if I have seen it, on consumption of
> tuna.  It is tasty and convenient;  dump a can on a salad
> and you have an instant paleo meal.  I have also been eating
> sardines packed in olive oil on top of salad for a paleo
> type fast food lunch.  What say the list? rick

Last Friday's edition of Rachel's Environmental and Health Weekly was
devoted to the question of mercury contamination of food, specifically
fish.  Unfortunately, I have already deleted it, but it will eventually be
listed in the Rachel's List archive at http://www.monitor.net/rachel/
The bottom line of the article was that eating more than 7 ounces of fish
per week will cause one to exceed the EPA's recommendations for mercury
intake.  A good argument can be made that the EPA guidelines are too high.
Also, the form of mercury found is fish is the most toxic  form.
