On Fri, 8 May 1998, Mary wrote:

> There are fresh chicken livers at Whole Foods in Los Gatos. I requested
> they order them. I was surprised that in a health food store, there is so
> little organ meats? What do you guys think? According  to Loren Cordain,
> organ meats are very healthy, why do so few people eat them, does anyone

I think a lot of Americans simply don't like them.  For the most
part, they are an acquired taste, and if you don't acquire it
when you're young you probably won't get it later.  My mother
liked liver, but my father did not, so she never cooked it.
Consequently, my sister and I never ate it.  I've eaten liver as
an adult, but I can't say that I enjoyed it.  Even expensive
pate' leaves me cold.

Liver, incidentally, is the most "glycemic" of meats, since the
liver is where most glycogen is stored.

> In the past, say 50 years ago, or 100 years ago,  did people consume more
> organ meats? My husband said his mom used to put them in chicken soup.

I have to wonder when and why Americans lost the taste for organ
meats.  They are still very popular in much of Europe, and
probably elsewhere in the world.  Fried brains is a popular dish
in Italy, and the Germans make extensive use of organ meats.
English steak and kidney pie isn't bad either (though not paleo,
of course).

Todd Moody
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