Ella Montgomery wrote:

> I've been lurking on the lowcarb list and discovered a method alot of
> them are using called ECA stacking to keep their weight loss moving
> when they hit their plateaus.  Its highly controversial, alot of
> flame wars over whether it is safe and effective or not.  The method
> consists of taking Ephedra 20 mg., Caffeine > 200 mg., and Aspirin
> 81 mg., 2 - 3x a day.
> What do you all think?
> This sounds like another chemistry set approach to weight loss rather
> than eating appropriate quantities of the right food balanced by paleo
> appropriate levels of excercise.  You had asked ofr the opinion of
> "paleo experts" and I certainly am not but am interested in the
> reactions of others as well.  If the idea is to somewhow goose
> metabolism, aren't there better ways to do that such as increasing
> muscle mass,  putting novelty into routine excercise, and letting
> nature run it's course?  The compounds mentioned are all natural but
> are concentrated extractions and, utilized in that manner, are
> medicinal and powerful.  On the other hand, these are all commonly
> used items.  It just seems like one more attempted shortcut
> on the order of those over the counter diet pills.  Rick