Dear Paleofolk,

There are fresh chicken livers at Whole Foods in Los Gatos. I requested that
they order them. I was surprised that in a health food store, there is so
little organ meats? What do you guys think? According  to Loren Cordain,
organ meats are very healthy, why do so few people eat them, does anyone

In the past, say 50 years ago, or 100 years ago,  did people consume more
organ meats? My husband said his mom used to put them in chicken soup.

Does anyone have a recipe for chicken livers? I just put them in some
chicken soup, that is all I could think to do. You can also special order
chicken hearts, chicken gizzards, etc. from Whole Foods.

 I also gave the cat some but so far she was not interested. Of course, she
had just finished her junk food (pet food)

I can also get ostrich organs for cheap. what should I get, and what could I
do with them, they have livers and hearts available.

BTW, you can buy fresh ostrich right now at Whole Foods, it comes from a
ranch out in Ray's neck of the woods (Texas)

Finally, for the cat, where can I buy CHEAP tuna by the case? Someone said
they found tuna almost as cheap as the junk cat food. Where?
