Hi Choti,

I have had amazing success in finally beating a life-long sugar craving with
a simple change in attitude.  Instead of "giving up" sugar, I started
refusing to put that garbage in my body.  The former implies deprivation
whereas the latter implies superior knowledge.  I now treat sugar the same
way I treat aspartame, MSG and hydrogenated vegetable oils.

I do not know if this will help or not but it sure made it easier for me.


> hi.
> i started low-carbing for weightloss and have become a true
> beliver in it's
> merits.
> what i would like to know is, how much weight has been lost by the people
> following the paleo diet as opposed to atkins or protein power.
> when i started paleo, i had terrible cravings and have gone off this WOE
> completly.
> everyday i try to get back on the horse.
> tomorrow morning going to try a complete carnivore diet and see
> what happens.
> i was considering trying a different approach by eating fruit and
> nuts at only
> one meal to see if i can reduce my cravings and insulin responses.
> if anyone has any advise on this subject please e-mail me or post
> it on the
> board.
> thanks
> choti