> how much weight has been lost by the people
> following the paleo diet


I never tried the atkins or protein power since my reason for going paleo
was due to neurological problems and MS symptoms.  However I have gone from
a size 13 to a size 7 since the end of December.  Before getting sick I was
a size 3 so I still have a bit to loose.  I don't own a scale so I don't
know how many pounds Ive lost.  I'm sure I will lose the rest in time and I
don't worry about it.  I'm just very glad to feel healthy again!  By the
way, I have "cheated" a couple times with potatoes when dinning out and even
they make me sick.  I feel soooo full after a few bites and very
uncomfortable.  I don't like feeling anything like I did before so I very
rarely eat anything that isn't paleo.  I think your cravings will go away in
a fairly short period of time if you can hang in there.
Good luck!

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