At 04:59 PM 5/17/98 -0400, you wrote:
>If I eat any kind of foods that are high in sugar content, I react very
badly to everything I eat.

If it is seasonal then I would say that for now the best thing to do would
be to avoid fruit.

Did you have these problems before allergy season hit? How long have you
been eating paleo-style?

I'm wondering if those of us who are carb sensitive become even more so
after eating low-carb for a while.

I get the sinus, stuffy head reactions to seasonal allergies, no digestive
difficulties from fruit. It might be responsible for increased gas, though
that could be from eggs too. Which leaves me meat and vegetables, leafy
greens and nuts, for now any ways.

>Have terrible headaches, stomachache and my intestines is killing me.

If you have ginger in the house, either fresh or dry make a tea. Drink it
hot for the fresh you can simmer it for a little while or let it steep For
the dried just as much as you can stand in hot water. Peppermint and fennel
are also good to eas the intestines. Peppermint could also help with the
