At 21:13 1998-05-12 -0400, Todd Moody wrote:

>First, the question about gluten and grain-fed beef.  Grains are
>the natural foods for cows and other ruminants, along with the
>rest of the grasses that produce those grains.
Very small amounts, and only for a short time of the year. Grass seeds
fall to the ground as soon they are riped, waiting there for the next
rain season.

>The "grain" that is most commonly
>introduced into their diet by humans, to fatten them, is corn.
Not in Europe I think, at least not northern. Here it is other grains.

In a later post:
>Exactly.  Wheat is grass.  Grains are part of grass.  Cows eat
>thet whole thing; they don't spit out the grains.
No but I think they avoid to eat from areas with ear. They should do,
otherwise there will be no grass for them to eat next year...

If I interpret Loren Cordains theories about "molecular mimicry" right
even ruminants may not be totally safe from alien grain molecules.
Where they go into the animal is another good question that I dont
know the answear to.
And what about farmed salmon fed with grains?

- Hans