> Actually, I thought some of my symptoms were worse this
> week (fatigue and runny nose) and all I could think of was like the
> die-off
> phenomenon

from my experience this die-off phenomenon is definitely a reality when
cutting out all dairy products.  A few years ago after seeing an allergy
specialist I experimented with cutting out ALL dairy products.  The
first day I was OK, the second and third day I spent in bed  - crying
pretty much non-stop, nose running like a tap, sweats, headaches and
feeling so miserable.

Fourth day I was pretty much back to normal.  I kept up a diet of
absolutely no dairy for 2 weeks but the difficulty of following such a
strict diet not equal to the amount of relief from symptoms I
experienced.  It wasn't so much that I found the food I could eat too
restrictive but the amount of questioning and research I had to do for
nearly every meal was off-putting and I was starting to feel a bit

As my allergy is more of an annoyance than life-threatening I have found
that if I avoid obvious dairy foods  but don't worry so much if I eat,
for example, a piece of bread that was made using milk, the benefits I
receive from reduced symptoms are OK for the lesser amount of effort I
have to put in to watching what I eat.

My heart really goes out to those of you who have no choice but to watch
everything you or your child eats due to a life-threatening allergy.

So hopefully this is the die-off phenomenon you are experiencing and you
will feel much better after a few days.
