<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

On 21 April,  Michelle  <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

M>I was at McDonalds last night with my family and they
M>had a poster showing the ingredients of all their food.
M>I read the ingredients for the fries and it stated
M>they are cooked in a special blend of oils for fries
M>and hashbrowns...and the hashbrowns have wheat flour
M>on them.  I just thought i should pass the word for
M>anyone else who thought the fries were safe.

Back in September 1996, I made the following post:

B>Today, I spoke with Liz Williams at McDonald's Nutrition Info. Center
B>(708-575-FOOD) who was responsible for collecting their new gluten-free
B>product list.  She confirmed that McDonalds in America has recently replaced
B>wheat flour with corn flour in their hash browns, and that both french fries
B>and hash browns are now on their GF list.

I assume that the poster is old, but if anyone has more recent information,
 please me us know.

Bill Elkus
Los Angeles