<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Since several people have written to me already regarding
their reactions to vinegar (not only white vinegar) can I
(mad impetuous fool that I am :-) offer to take the straw
poll that I suggested.

Since it is clear that some coeliacs have reactions to
vinegars which OUGHT to be GF, could people let me know

a) do they have a reaction from "white" distilled vinegar.

b) do they have a reaction from other vinegar and if so

c) do they find themselves to be a sensitive or an
insensitive coeliac (this might give a very rough idea of
how much gluten could be present in the vinegar).

d) which countries they have had reactions in (or not as
the case may be)

To make this meaningful I do need lots of people from BOTH
ther sensitive and the insensitive groups to let me know
their answers.  I will then put a short report on the list.

Those who have already written to me about this don't need
to repeat (unless you have something more to add).  I still
have all your e-mails.



David J Walland
University of Bristol Radiation Protection Adviser
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Tel +44 (0)117 928 8323
Fax +44 (0)117 929 1209