<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

hello everyone,

I'm starting to suspect a relation between accidental gluten intake and
night-pavor fits in my 6-yr-old daughter.  (NOTE:  it's NOT nightmares or
sonambulism.  Night-pavor is a 10-minutes session of waking up in the night,
terrified, making no sense, wanting to escape some 'danger', until it
suddenly stops and the child remembers nothing).

Has anyone experienced something of the kind?

By the way, I think the gluten intake came from the malt in breakfast
cereals.  Couldn't we somehow write in a 'massive' form, from every corner of
the world, to Kellogg's asking them to replace malt by something else in
their cereals?  Maybe if they realize that the market is extensive (not only
the celiacs but their whole families) they would put some effort into it.

bye and thanks to everyone,
Irene from Switzerland