<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear All,

You can also purchase GF foods from a number of Supermarket
chains which specialise even more than M&S in food.
Sainsbury's, Asda and Tesco can all provide you with
listings of their GF products.  If you plan far enough in
advance, you can obtain the UK Coeliac Soc's "Food List"
which costs about GBP5 (see their Web site at
http://www.coeliac.co.uk/ for address and updates of this

It does take about 4-6 weeks to get this invaluable
document but then you can shop in any food store as long as
you carefully check against this list and make sure it is
updated regularly from the web site.  We even carry a spare
copy in the car in case we suddenly decide to stop and shop!

This is quite one of the best things produced by the UK CS
and I heartily recommend it to anyone proposing to holiday
in the UK.



David J Walland
University of Bristol Radiation Protection Adviser
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