> brother Mike. I've been on this diet almost as long as he has. Cronic Fatigue
> Syndrone, seems to be a label that many doctors use when they don't really

        My mother and I self-diagnosed ourselves nine years ago, and long
before we found any docotr who would believe us. I have gone through two
GP's and numerous specialists to finally find two doctors that I can
remotely trust. This is because my specialst has CFS herself, and so
understands the issues. I am in contact with CFS support groups all ovef
the world, and have done copious research. I no longer trust the medical
profession, but I do trust myself and my conclusions. Also, I've been
tested for most other conditions that this could be, and they all appear
negative. I am 99% sure that I have CFS.

> know what the problem is. If I were to take that much salt a day, I'd feel
> sick too! I have one sister who was allergic to everything. She droped the

        I've only just started taking the salt, about a year ago, and it
has had no effect on me, except to slightly raise my blood pressure,
which is what I need it for (neurally mediated hypotension).

> Fatigue Syndrone, until she left home for college. So, don't give up. Get

        I've left home too. All my friends thought that would cure me.
Well, I am still sick. This illness is not in my head; it's in my
muscles, nerves and brain. It's real and persistent. The Paleo diet is
just the latest in a variety of test treatments that I *hope* will help.
