>Re the TRPRO II:
1.    Which CPU's can be used with that board?
2.   Which chipset is on the board?
3.   Does it come with a universal bus?
4.   Which type of hard drives can be used with it?
5.   When you say that video and sound is on board, does that mean  no need
to buy a sound card or a video card?
6.    Where can it be purchased?
7.    How much?
8.   Which case would you recommend to use with it.


1. Any Pentium or Pentium MMX   aka: P54c or P55c
2. TXPRO II BGA (this may actually be a VIA chipset, but I'm not sure)
3. Yes
4. Any IDE to include EIDE and Ultra DMA (recommended)
5. Yes.  In addition, you can disable this later, if you need to upgrade.
6.  Check http://www.pricewatch.com/  and go to mobos (6x86 w/o cpu) the
best prices
7.  $69.00 (US)
8.  My preference is for the mid-tower to mini-tower AT... but this is a bit
like recommending underwear... some like the desktops, any AT case will work
(should have at least a 230 watt power supply)

also this board has a 1 meg onboard casche..

Frank B Smith