Did you use the auto-configure feature in your motherboard BIOS for the new disk?
You should allow the CMOS BIOS to find and configure the drive rather than using
user options to manually configure heads, cylinders, and tracks.  If you don't have
auto-configure, does your CMOS have an option for LBA?  Enable it if it does.

Even if you get this far, it is possible the BIOS will not allow you to configure the
drive larger than 2.1 gig, however, LBA typically allows up to 8 gig.

If you got the drive new, it should include an install diskette for EZ-Drive or On-Track
or something like it to allow fdisk to see the entire drive.  The problem with using
the install diskette is really only an issue when you try to re-install the hard disk in
a new computer, where the EZ-Drive isn't necessary, at which time it may prove
difficult to uninstall.  Don't misplace the diskette!
Tom Turak
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At 03:40 AM 4/9/98 +0000, Mark Walter wrote:
>          I have a machine which is a bit older and I am trying to
>get it to recognize a 2.5GB HD. I thought that I could just partition
>the drive using fdisk by telling it to use a % of the drive and
>divide it into 5 sections. It does not seem to be working out that
>way, fdisk also will only see the drive as 515mb. What do I need to
>do to partition it so that the whole HD can be seen?