>*****I seem to recall that a few years back there were keyboards
>available with
>an IBM Thinkpad-style pointing stick sitting between the H and J keys and
>the buttons right below the space bar. This would be ideal as it would
>require zero shoulder joint movement at all to use.  Does anyone know if
>these things are still available and where one can get hold of them?
>Anyone got one for sale?*****

  We have them here ... they were bought from IBM.  Call IBM Direct,
  you can order them from their Options Catalog.

Joel Rosenblatt - [log in to unmask] (Columbia University)
Mgr VM Systems and Team OS/2 member - http://www.cc.columbia.edu/~joel
612 W 115th St.,N.Y. N.Y. 10025,711 WATSON,(212) 854-3033