Well, let me state it another way.  I've been eating this way for a little
over a year now.  I have no obvious illnesses, no sydromes or symptoms, my
hair is not falling out (any faster than it should, I guess), and my skin
looks pretty normal.  So where would I even get the idea that I needed some
kind of supplementation except from other people?  And what other people
tell me I need, I am always just a little suspicious of, because most often
those who tell me I need something are those who sell it.

I certainly don't think that it's necessary to take supplements to try to
compensate for potential shortfalls in certain nutrients based simply on
their availability in our environment; the human body is rather adaptable
and not every location has the same nutrients available.  So even if you
were to try to compensate with supplements, levels of nutrients would be
subjective guesses at best anyway.

I prefer to spend my money on meat, not pills that put money in people's

Take care,
John Pavao
Given the fact that our soils are pretty well depleted of their mineral
content, it is probably difficult to find either plant or animal that will
provide the nutrients that they would have in paleo times, even under the
of conditions.