>         I am currently taking a supplement called Multi-Enzyme, from
> SISU. It contains: protease, amylase, lipase, lactase, cellulase,
> invertase, L.acidophilus, and bifidobacterium bifidum.
>         I wonder if any of these things may be causing a problem, or are
> not on the Paleo list. I am afraid that I don't really know what most of
> them are (except for the acidophilis and the lactase).
I don't know whether they could cause problems but they are definitely not
"paleo" (imaging Pam hunting down a herd of enzymes with a stick  :-))
But - for myself I would not be so incriminent if I felt that the
enzymes really helped me.
Anyway: the suffix " -ase" means that the substance is an enzyme.
The forst part of the word describes the specific subtrate of the
enzyme. So, ruoghly speaking, "protease" digests protein, "lipase"
lipids, "amylase" (OK, this one is hard! :-)) carbohydrates, and so

Regards, Sylvia