Thank you Andrew - I stand corrected.  By the way how does the Hazda
data look compared to the Yanomamo?


On Tue, 14 Apr 1998 Loren Cordain <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> In this regard, there has only been a single study published showing
> life table of hunter gathers (1).

> 1.      Neel JV.  Health and disease in unacculturated Amerindian
> populations. Ciba Foundation Symposium 1977;49:155-77.

I was surprised at this and checked the references cited by Eaton et al
[1]. Looking only at one which was readily accessible to me [2] I found
estimated life table for the Hazda for three census dates, and cites for
other similar work including one study on the !Kung.  Life table data is
obviously out there in the literature, but not necessarily tied directly
to disease incidence rates.

[1] Eaton, SB, et al. (1994) Women's reproductive cancers in
context.  Quarterly Review of Biology 69 (3) 353-367
[2] Blurton-Jones et al (1992) Demography of the Hazda, an increasing
high density population of savanna foragers.  American Journal of
Anthropology 89 159-181