On Fri, 17 Apr 1998 23:48:19 -0400 trish <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>I wonder why if this tree was "protected" and "historical" that it
>didn't have signs around it, etc, identifying it and proclaiming it as
>such.  That's certainly how it works down here in Florida.  And I'd
>also think your neighbor would have known . . .

Our area has what are called "Heritage Trees".  It is based on type of
tree and circumfrence and applies to every tree in the city limits.  You
need a permit to cut any Heritage Tree down.  Nothing is labeled in your
front yard that this tree is protected!  They aren't landmarks.  It's
just part of the city codes and you have to know about them.  It also
doesn't matter that they are on private property.  It's intended to
prevent people from taking all the old growth trees down and denuding the
area.  There just aren't that many left.  We have two CA Live Oak on a
farm lot next to our fence line that are Heritage Trees.  We protect
these things like there's no tomorrow (they were being choked with ivy)
because when they develop that farm (and they will), they can't be cut
down and they can't build under the canopy.  The tree would have to be
pretty much dead or at least some sort of danger to be issued a permit to
take it down at this point.

I'm wondering if there are any type of provisions for health concerns.
You might want to check your zoning/city codes to see.  I can understand
why they'd be pretty ticked that it was cut down without the proper
permits, but I don't see why getting them should take 3 years!
Especially if you could show some sort of safety issue like your son's
health.  What if the thing was about to fall into someone's roof?  I'm
sure they'd move pretty fast then so that they wouldn't get sued!

Just my $.02

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