On Tue, 28 Apr 1998 14:03:53 +0800 Kathy Day <[log in to unmask]> writes:

Regarding the crying easily and brain fog issues - I get this too, but
definitely not from dairy.  I get migraines and some of the accomplanying
symptoms include this.  Both are very real and not imagined.  I was dairy
free for about a year while breastfeeding my dairy allergic daughter and
things were worse than ever.  I do, however, still suspect that it might
be food allergy/sensitivity related, but haven't been able to narrow
anything down.  This conversation just gives me more ammunition to track
what I'm eating better to see if I can find a culprit.  I was really
hoping that eliminating dairy would help some of my health problems, but
no such luck.  I've just recently reintroduced them back into my diet
(after weaning).  No significant changes except I have a slight LI just
as I did before.

Kathy P.

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